- Title: Innovation School (Laboratory School)
- Background:
- The Educational system in the state Tamilnadu is in between the rich and the poor. Government has encouraged private educational institutions for the past 2 years. The Schemes provisions measures available to the children students studying in the government schools do not attract the major population of the parents. They prefer private institution even though are collecting or demanding high amount of for a donations. In this critical condition Resource Foundation considers to open an innovation school in other words Laboratory school.
- We have much more concentrated in Implementing our special designed concept rural children Educational development programe. More over all have conducted Residential carp bridge courses and back to school carps to the dropouts in the age group of 06 to 14. So for we have mainstreamed 122 children in the regular schools.
- Objectives: To avail a special designed educational access to the rural poor and gifted children find among the depressed communities.
- To guarantee the education to the underprivileged and marginalized groups children without any break.
- To eradicate stagnation and wastage at the primary / middle level classes.
- To provide nexus of educational activities enhancement uniformly to the children admitted in the first standard.
- To bring holistic educational develop to all the identified and enrolled learners in our Innovation School.
- Outputs:
- Free and compulsory educational system in our school will be dedicated to the poor, gifted children.
- Each and every class will be having the same strength of a enrollment.
- Children will be attracted in the learning systems and they continue the educational levels without any interruptions.
- Continuation of educational access will make children will come out of our school with colorful merits at the completion of every eighth year.
- See the aptitudes of the children are rightly identified and purposely developed.
- Activities and Duration:
- Construction of school buildings.
- Establishing infrastructure.
- Getting the recognition of the educational development.
- Commencement of the Innovations of school.
- TWO FULL YEARS - 01.06.2018 to 31.05.2020
- Beneficiaries and impacts:
- Every year 25 children will be coming out of the school with bright future.
- The school will be serving to the poor rural, under below children and bring them with special skills and talents.
- The downtrodden communities have a trust of confidence on themselves and of the school.
- Project Management:
Resource Foundation will be managing the project with the moral and intellectual support of the agencies.
The evaluation will take place by the educationalists.
- Sustainability:
Sustainability of the school project will be maintainable the support / provisions of the state / Central government.
- Contact Information:
Name : Mr.D.Velanganni,
Designation : Managing Trustee
Mobile Number : 9942060027 / 8344835281
E-Mail : resource.f@rediffmail.com
Communication Address: Min Nagar, Sethiyathope - 608702
Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India.
D.Velanganni ( Managing Trustee)
Place: Sethiyathope
Date: 16.12.2017