This concept is intended to widely participate in the educational development of
poor and poorest children in the rural areas, and also to shoulder the responsibilities of the educational
institutions functioning there.
Organizing and conducting School Enrollment Campaign in the Rural Pockets with the support
and collaboration from the CBOs
Distributing leaflets, notices, stickers on educational awareness and its importance
Installation of digital banners at public places and schools insisting the educational right of the
Providing education materials and uniform dresses to the poor school going children.
Conducting Periodical Health Camps and Special; care to the vision power of the poor children
Training educational volunteers (preferably women) with a minimum educational qualification
Sponsoring educational volunteers to the rural primary schools in which sufficient number of
trained teachers are not available
Creating more number of Puravalar Thittam – School Patron Fund in the schools
Organizing Rural Educational parks in the slums and hamlets where there are no schools and
people of bottom strata are in more number.
Helping the school administrations in providing Environment Access and Cleanliness
Maintenance; publishing and distributing small handbooks on water and sanitations
Organizing small level Life Skill Training Camps to the upper primary children and prepare them
towards integrated developments
Arranging Computer Skill Training Classes, if possible providing computer to schools
At a maximum level of our contribution, taking care of the SSLC failed boys and girls by helping
them a special coaching to pass the instant examinations
Identifying the children those who are far behind the academic excellence due to socio, cultural
and economical factors and help them to overcome these barriers
Special concern and consideration towards the educational empowerment of girl children from
the poor families
Problem children to be given special and individual attention and separate activities to be
designed for their betterment
Identification and mainstreaming the dropout children
Taking care of the education of the children of AIDS patients either died or alive.
Special Children should be given importance and individual care of the social and educational